Saturday, January 17, 2009

Annual Preemie Onesie Drive

I get contacted all the time for donations for Preemie Charities. I would love nothing more than to be able to give to everyone who asks. We are still a very small company but as we grow we hope that we can do more. For now, I want to lend my support to helping in anyway I can. So if you would like to place an order to send to the Annual Preemie Onesie Drive then I will refund 20% of your order back to you. All you need to do is place an order with Elliot's Preemie Tees. Send me an email saying that your order is to be sent to this charity and you will receive a 20% refund on your order. We will send your order directly to Annual Preemie Onesie Drive.

Here is the info about the Annual Preemie Onsie Drive:

This is the first annual preemie onesie drive being held by me (Rachel) and Ryan. We are collecting preemie onesies to donate to the babies that are staying in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit). Ryan and I had our first daughter Carly in the NICU for 4 months before passing away from a heart defect. I know as well as other preemie parents of children in the NICU know that it's hard for your child to be there. It's hard in many ways. It's hard as far as gas is concerned because of the many daily trips to the hospital. A lot of times one of the parents (usually the moms) quit working to be at the hospital with their child as much as possible. This makes funds tight. Paying bills can become a struggle. And it makes it hard to buy your new little one the cute outfits that moms want to see their child in. So this is why I'm having this preemie onesie drive. To help parents enjoy seeing their little boy or girl dressed in a cute outfit. Carly got a cute outfit while she was in the NICU as a anonymous donation. It made me feel completely blessed. It was nice for someone to do this for her. Being in the NICU is a very stressful time. Some are only there for days while others are there for months and even over a year. Simple acts of kindness fills peoples hearts with happiness. I'm doing this donation in memory of Carly who passed away on 3/9/08. I will deliver the donated onesies on 3/9/09. And plan to do this as an annual thing.

1 comment:

Waves of Victory said...

I just wanted to thank you for offering the 20% discount and adding my button to your blog. I have so far gotten 3 donations from purchases made from your store. Thanks. I hope and pray that the others who are also running drives are as blessed by this as we have been.
