Sunday, January 14, 2007

Winter: We Can't Be Too Careful

Elliot got out of the hospital New Year's Eve and we tried to salvage what we could of our holidays. It took Elliot another week to get back his appetite and stop having diarrhea. Like I said before it is a nasty virus.

The whole family took new diligence in keeping our homes a "germ free" zone. We cleaned for days and wiped down every surface. We also started a strict regimen of hand sanitizer and hand washing. Our family goes to all this trouble because none of us can bare to see Elliot sick again. We also started another winter of partial seclusion. It is hard to keep E completely inside. he loves to go out. So when we go out we take precautions. he has a floppy seat for highchairs and shopping carts. After wiping everything down thoroughly we put the floppy seat over the highchair or shopping cart. This way Elliot doesn't come in contact with anyone else's germs. Drastic you ask? Are we paranoid?

NO! Not at all and if you are the parent of a preemie you cannot be too careful either!

In spite of our best efforts E came down with another virus this week. We don't know where it came from for sure. We think it might have been Grandpa who came down sick the day after E's Sunday dinner visit with Grandma and Grandpa. Nobody felt sick that day or thought E was in any danger. But the next day Grandpa was sick with a different intestinal virus! Two days later Elliot started throwing up again. This time we went right to the after hours clinic and saw his regular team of pediatricians. It turned out he had a massive ear infection and got a big does of antibiotics in the form of a shot. Poor Baby! The only reason we still think he got it from Grandpa is that he also experienced some pressure in his ears as part of his symptoms. Who knows for sure?

We have learned that even if we do all that is possible to stop the spread of germs in our family and protect E he will still get some germs and in reality germs are good so his immune system can start to build up and protect him. But Preemies are different. Some germs are very bad for their tiny bodies. So I offer a few suggestions that might help protect your tiny bundle through the winter. This is not an exhaustive list and maybe you can add a few of your own. So here goes:
  • Wash your hands and use antibacterial hand sanitizers.
  • Keep your house clean - especially the bathrooms and kitchen and places your baby plays and crawls.
  • Get all necessary vaccinations - flu, rota virus, RSV etc.
  • Carry your own stroller or a floppy seat to cover public seats for your baby.
  • Wash the Floppy Seat often.
  • Don't let anyone who is sick be around your baby. If they are family or for some other reason you cannot help being in the same room ask the sick person to wear a mask.
  • Keep sick family members confined to one room and practice hand washing in and out of the room. (This is what the hospital does!)
  • Use a sign on your carrier and stroller that says "Wash you hands before touching mine!"

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