Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Milestones of Marvelous Matters!

Elliot is now 18 months old! He is also about 15 pounds - still so tiny for his age - but he has a big spirit! We marvel at all he has been through and how well he is doing in spite of all that has happened to him. He is learning sign language from a video series called "Baby Signing Times" the link is on my website. He knows mama, daddy, grandpa, dog, fish, eat, please, more, cracker, milk, and all done.

He started crawling at about 15 months! Now the fun begins!! He has learned to cruise the furniture and to walk holding our hands. Just about Christmas time before he got sick he learned to climb up the stairs - oh boy!

He still struggles with eating and cannot each anything with more texture than stage 2 baby food. The one exception is graham crackers...he loves his graham crackers!!! In February he will see a specialist to help him to start eating real foods. We are looking forward to that and hopeful that he will progress in this area. We'll keep you posted.

So that is what is new with us...what is new with you??? Post your baby's milestones here.

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