Monday, November 17, 2008

This Weeks Give-Away!

This month in honor of Prematurity Awareness Month we are giving away something every week to our customers PLUS we are donating 10% of our sales to the March of Dimes! Help us make a difference in the lives of babies!! Here is our fund raising ticker so you can see how we are doing...

This weeks Giveaway is:

One FREE Christmas Set for every order over $50. That is like getting 20% Free! So place your order today at Elliot's Preemie Tees. During the check out process be sure to tell us if you want a regular set or an IV set. You can choose between solid Christmas Green or Christmas Red. So let us know your color choice too. If you don't specify we will send a set of our choosing in the size of the rest of your order.
HuRrY OrDer YoUrS ToDaY!!!
OFFER EXPIRES Friday, November 21st at 6:00 p.m.

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