Friday, October 10, 2008

Today I Want to be a Proud Mom...

And show all of you one of the wonderful talents of my beautiful daughter Brooke (Mom to Elliot). Brooke's college career was cut short with the birth of Elliot. Between his care and all the medical bills she was not able to go back to school...but she needs to and I want to show you why. Brooke is an Art Major. After a long break from her art she is back! She entered a drawing in the International Art Contest for our church. She sent in her entry today so we do not know if she made the art show but I thought her drawing was so good I wanted to share it with you now -

This is her description of her art -

"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest…
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matt. 11:28 and 30)

"The meaning of this scripture was made very real to me shortly after the birth of my first child. Not only was I filled with the normal fear and apprehension of a new parent, but I was also afraid for his life. He was born premature, extremely small, and unable to even breathe for himself. All I could do during that time was to rely on the love and promises of our Savior. As I prayed for my son and for the strength to face this trial, I felt these words at work in my life. Just as I held and protected my son the only way I knew how, I knew I was being cradled in the loving arms of my Savior. And He gave me rest."

You are AWESOME Brooke! I am so proud of you! Your journey back to your art has been a long one but I think you are back better than ever.

1 comment:

Aprilyn said...

Wow! Those are beautiful pictures. She certainly is talented.

Come check out my blog sometime. The boys are getting so big!