I thought Nana would be a good title for me but little Elliot had other ideas. It just goes to prove that the "best laid plans...."
Elliot has somehow reversed the sounds of the word Grandma to Magah (pronounced; mag-ah). He started calling me that about 6 months ago and it looks like it will stick. My husband has the less original but endearing name of "Papa." (He thinks it makes him sound old - oh well!)
At first I wasn't sure what to think about the name Magah...especially after what happened at Wal-mart;
Brooke and I took Elliot to Wal-mart for a shopping excursion. Wal-mart always means a new toy for Elliot when Magah is around and this time he was not to be disappointed. We did our shopping and went to the toy aisle where he picked out something "Elmo". (I told you he loves Elmo!) Then when we went to check out I had to take his toy away from him and give it to the cashier. He, of course started yelling at me, "Magah, Magah...Maaa-gaaaah!" The cashier scanned the toy and gave it back to me and with a puzzled look on her face she asked, "Did he just call you Maggot?" I explained it wasn't Maggot but "Mag-ah", a sort of backwards grandma. "Oh, she said, I'm sorry for you because it sounds like he said Maggot." I was so embarrassed! I know my face flushed a nice shade of red and I felt like I wanted to crawl in a hole somewhere. I just grabbed my receipt and pushed the cart containing a contented Elliot out to the car as fast as I could.
Since then I have decided that Wal-mart cashiers shouldn't be the judge of what should or shouldn't be a little boys pet name for his Grandma! I have decided that I really like my name and so do all my friends! Everyone thinks it is so cute, especially when you hear him say it! It is unique and original and Elliot came up with it all on his own just for me! I couldn't be more thrilled!!!It is the best name in the world and it proves that Preemies really are something special!
Thank you, Elliot, Magah loves you very much!
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