Monday, June 18, 2007

More on Elliot's Birthday

Elliot LOVES, LOVES, LOVES Elmo! He sings the Elmo's World song, he has the Tickle Me Elmo, he watches Sesame Street almost everyday. He knows all the characters - well sort of - Ernie is "Duckie", Big Bird is "Ernie" but, Elmo he has down pat! So it was appropriate that I made him an Elmo Birthday Cake. Yes, I did make the cake...all by myself...yes, I know, it's disgusting that I can sew and cook. (If you only knew!) I am what I like to call "domestically gifted." It is enough to make all of my girl friends gag! Most of them tell me on a regular basis that they hate me. I know they really don't mean it though cause I can do stuff for them that nobody else can so they are stuck with me.

For Elliot's party we decided to start with the presents! That is the best part anyway! And after the first tear of the paper he was in total agreement with our idea. He loves to open presents!!! I have to admit it - so do I! So here is E after he got the hang of it. Aunt Ashley was standing by just in case he had a problem he couldn't figure out. Little did she know that he had the situation completely under control!

After presents and an appropriate break to play with the new toys it was time for cake and ice cream! Yay! And it was a good thing we had a dress rehearsal with the cake in the photo shoot (So we could get a good picture for his Birthday Invitations) because he wasn't as nearly freaked out by the whole thing the second time around. The picture of him crying in the blog below isn't because he was tired or just plain sick of picture taking it was because he had frosting on his hands and he couldn't get it off. He was trying to scrap the frosting back onto the cake and it would not cooperate so that resulted in a meltdown that made for a great picture. But this time was much better, it is always better when you have the real thing - the Elmo cake didn't hurt either - not so scary!

After Mommy and Daddy helped him blow out the candles he had a great time helping himself to a little frosting.

And finally he digs into his own piece. Yummy!!

We had so much fun watching him enjoy himself on his birthday and though he doesn't totally understand it yet, he knows that the day was just for him.

Also, I can't let a birthday go by without pointing out how far he has come.

Every time I see this picture I am reminded just how far he has come! He was born weighing 1 pound 12 ounces. He is now 20 pounds! 10 times his birth-weight!!! When he was born he couldn't even cry. You could tell he was crying, his face was all screwed up and his mouth was opened but no noise came out - sort of a silent scream. Now he has found his voice. Every two-year old tantrum he throws is music to my ears! This time last year he had just learned to sit up alone. Now he walks or runs everywhere. Every time he runs away from me I am reminded that it is a blessing he can run. Birthday's are always a blessed event and great cause for celebration and, in this case, truer words were never spoken!

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